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Cheese Lovers Unite



So, you love cheese?

You will love it even MORE after attending Launceston's inaugural Cheese Affair.


Over 40 different world class cheeses will be presented & offered for complimentary tasting this Sunday, 3rd May. John Fahey, owner of Delicacy, is hosting the event & is excited to introduce the people of Launceston to premium cheese alongside passionate cheese masters, Dean Emery & Joel McKay. Dean, from Lion Dairy and Drinks, will be highlighing such cheeses as King Island Furneau Brie & the Storm Bay Washed Rind.

Joel McKay from Calendar Cheeses will be presenting Will Studd's signature cheeses being Le Conquerant Camembert from Normandy & Comte La Couronne from France's Jura region. Cheeses from France, Italy, Switzerland, England and from our own shores, will be available for tasting & buying. This will be a 'cheese affair to remember!'

WHEN: Sunday 03 May, 10am-2.30pm

WHERE: Delicacy Car Park, 35 Canning St.,

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